BrandFocal Designs

Social Media

13 million people on Facebook.
7,4 million using Twitter. Your
business needs to embrace
social media

13 million people on Facebook. 7,4 million using Twitter. Your business needs to embrace social media

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Social media marketing is essential in capturing your online audience as most people start searching on these networks for goods and services. Business presence in this space is vital in capturing this audience. Social media marketing combined with digital marketing tools such as Google Adwords as well as Google Analytics can bring in even more clients to the business.

  • Social Media Marketing

    Social media usage continues to grow massively which is why businesses need to embrace it now more than ever. It's not enough to just have a social media page these days. Businesses need to market themselves on these networks and connect effectively with their audiences

  • Google Adwords

    Google Adwords allows businesses to advertise on the Google search engine, exposing them to a large online audience. Businesses can either advertise on the Google Display Network or the Google Search Network

  • Google Analytics

    Google Analytics allows you to capture and analyse the browsing behaviour of your website audience. It allows you to see how people browse your website, which pages are popular and how many leads your website managed to capture.

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